Saturday, August 25, 2012

A neat question i created a long time ago

Triangle ABC is such that AB=AC and Angle CAB=36. Let D be a point on CB such that angle CAD=10. Extend line AD to point E such that  angle CEB = 108. Find the value of angle ECB.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012! :D

A New Year Starts today! Though it didin't start very well, not we shall not get into negatives things like that. Well, some people think the word's gonna end this year.. :(. That's not good, lol. But still live carries on. Well, lets look at 2012 as a number instead. 2012=4*503, where 503 is prime, so i guess that's a good thing to note. Hahahahahahahas. I really have nothing much to say. :P

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cool number property!

Try this out!
Take any four digit number such that all the digits cannot be the same. Eg; 9813,2221,5573 is possible but not 1111,2222...
Now rearrange this number so that the larger digit is first then smallest is the last;
let say 5573, so 7553.
Then arrange the smallest digit first then largest digit last, so 3557.
Take the larger number form and deduct it with the smaller number form,
i.e, 7553 - 3557 = 3996
Do it same for the number formed, i.e, 3996, and keep doing so,
i.e, 9963 - 3699 =6264
6642 - 2466 =4158
8541 - 1458= 7083
8730- 378= 8352
8532 - 2358= 6174
7641 - 1467 = 6174
Try it with any other 4 digit number that the digits are not all the same and it will always reach 6174!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Puzzle i created.

Here's a puzzle i created out of boredom:
Let's call a diagram "dots and lines" if it follow this rules:

1)a dot is literally a dote and line is literally a line.
2)a dot must be connected to a line. Also a line must be connected by only two distinct dots.(Meaning a pair of dots can only have one line connecting them together.)
3)Any region formed can only be bounded by at most three lines.
4)One line cannot intersect with another line.(If the point of intersection is a dot, then the intersection is allowed.
Here's the puzzle.
Level 1: Draw a "dots and lines" diagram with the minimum number of dots such that each dots only have 1 line connected to it.

And generally, level n:Draw a "dots and lines" diagram with the minimum number of dots such that each dots only have n line connected to it. Where n is an integer.

So what is the highest level you can go to? Post your answers if you want to :D.

Possible "dots and line diagram":

Here are incorrect diagrams:

Please click to see the comments on why they are wrong.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A New Year(belated)

Yep, this is a new year already. So fast i have to say... I went to popular to check on the o level TYS; aka ten year series, and notice last year's paper was out.(last year was the year i sat for the paper) I was looking through the answers and felt relieved as i got some question, i feared i got, correct. Anyways life must go, i am currently waiting for the posting results, which will be released in 27 Jan... I can't wait to go into a JC. New life, new syllabus and old me X-P. Currently i'm playing toss the turtle, if ur interested, here's the URL:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So long never post

Yes, i haven't had time to post. Well my exams are finally over, that is a good thing. I had been to prom yesterday, it has fun and full of laughter. I couldn't believe that Niva exclaimed that she could eat first(everyone heard her). It was rather enjoyable.